How to Create the Best Virtual Assistant Profile on Virtual Assistant Philippines

Suppose you are serious about becoming an effective and in-demand virtual assistant or any freelancer in the Philippines. In that case, the real journey begins with creating a compelling virtual assistant profile.

Virtual Assistant Philippines features an intuitive interface that works as smoothly as butter, giving virtual assistants and freelancers the chance to create the best profile.

Creating a professional-looking profile can attract more clients and better, higher pay. You already possess all the talents that make you a professional freelancer from the Philippines-the next step is to attract the best clients and convince them to contact you regarding work.

But how do you accomplish this?

How can you create a compelling, professional profile that business owners or clients will find persuasive and ultimately valuable for their search for the perfect freelancers or virtual assistants?

The Professional Headshot

The professional/semi-professional headshot is the first thing business owners see while browsing for potential freelancers.

Let’s take a page off professional, corporate headshots. Professional headshots are all about welcoming and engaging while exuding power and grace as a professional. A picture speaks a thousand words.

We highly recommend having a professional headshot taken at your local photography studio. Every town and city has a professional photography studio. If you can’t find one nearby, visit your nearest mall, and you’re sure to find a studio.

Tell the studio you need photos for job applications and your online resume – they’ll know what to do. Follow these easy tips on photo day:

– Get enough rest, and don’t forget to hydrate.

– You don’t have to buy an expensive dress or suit if you don’t have one at home. Most photography studios have formal clothing ready for such situations.

-Don’t rush into your photo session. Instead, be there 15 minutes before your time so you can relax and compose yourself.

– Relax during the actual photography session and think happy thoughts. Think of all the excellent jobs you will land on Virtual Assistant Philippines! That should put a good smile on your face.

Crafting the Best Job Title

The simplest method to provide recruiters with the information they want is to match your professional title to that of the prospective position. For instance, if a business is looking to hire a “Project Manager,” you can adopt this title.

Some people may not want to copy the job title. Some businesses also want innovative applications. So, to cover all bases, you may want to boost your resume game and develop something more engaging and catchy. But still, don’t overthink the professional title. You can always add a few more sentences to the body of your resume to emphasize your professionalism, individuality, and inventiveness.

If you decide to deviate from the job title supplied by the business, be sure to use appropriate keywords and phrases from the industry. Using the correct language will help recruiters recognize your skills and demonstrate that you understand the job’s requirements.


Compose the Best Description for Your Online Resume

The description or resume summary is just as important as every other part of your online resume.

Recruiters typically scan resumes for only six to seven seconds before moving on to the next.

They’re busy professionals and tend to look at certain things before becoming interested in a resume. Therefore, every part of your online resume should be finetuned for the best results.

Just writing “virtual assistant from the Philippines” isn’t working.

There would be dozens or hundreds of other people offering similar services.

The resume summary grabs the attention of potential clients, so they’ll continue reading the rest of your resume.

Research and add relevant keywords to your resume summary, and add these to other segments of your online, resume, too.

Below are some tips to get the right keywords for your virtual assistant job description:

– Explore the platform’s existing job categories and see if your talents are firmly in these categories.

– Perform a Google search and discover popular search terms. You are on the right track if other websites are consistently blogging or writing about specific job descriptions and terms.

Virtual Assistant Philippines does not limit the length of a job candidate’s resume summary.

Regardless, we recommend keeping this part of your resume to two to four lines of text.

The conventional method is to write in the third person.

The resume summary should focus on three essential things:

– Skills

– Accomplishments

– Relevant experience

You’re the expert on what’s most attractive about your professional life, so think about how you will structure the resume summary.

Should you prioritize the number of years of experience?

Were clients in a specific industry extra satisfied with your talents?

Plan the resume summary thoroughly to get the best results.


Develop the Rest of Your Online Resume

Virtual Assistant Philippines doesn’t restrict the formatting of the body of your resume. Therefore, you’re free to segment your resume as you please.

Crafting an online resume is easier when you know what to focus on. For example, let’s say that you’d like to get more clients as a social media virtual assistant by posting your resume on Virtual Assistant Philippines.

How can you write the best online resume in this scenario?

– Write down the different social media platforms where you specialize in. Don’t limit yourself; mention that if you’re a TikTok or Instagram expert.

– Call attention to previous successes, like “being able to increase engagement by 67%,” “increased follower count by 300,” or “increased sales by 25%.” Maximize your successes. Frame them properly to emphasize the potential benefits of hiring you.

– Keep the message upbeat. Speak directly to the reader (a recruiter or business owner) and be authentic, genuine, and authoritative.


Create a LinkedIn Profile

Despite the reach and usefulness of the platform, recruiters will typically explore other channels linked to your profile. As a result, LinkedIn will be the number one platform they will check right after Virtual Assistant Philippines.

LinkedIn is the number one social media platform for recruiters, decision-makers, CEOs, and almost every imaginable professional. More decision-makers hang out on LinkedIn than anywhere else on the internet.

The platform also experiences growth every year, though it will probably never reach the popularity of Twitter or Facebook. But that doesn’t reduce the value of LinkedIn – because it’s the go-to place of managers and business owners.

Here’s how you can create a unique profile on LinkedIn:

Make your headline memorable

When you add positions to your profile, a headline is generated for you. However, you may rewrite it to emphasize a particular area of expertise or to highlight your individuality.

Write a powerful About section

The About section should convey your goal, motivation, and talents to those who visit it. Ideally, you should restrict the material in this part to one or two paragraphs.

Add all your relevant job and academic experiences

It will help if you keep your profile up to date with all your professional experiences that fit your current career objectives. Additionally, you may provide media samples to facilitate easy access to your portfolio.

Add important skills

A list of relevant skills on your profile enables you to highlight your strengths to other users, such as recruiters and coworkers. It assists others in recognizing your strengths. After adding your abilities, your connections will be able to endorse them.


Write a Resume Statement

Some ten years ago, objectives dominated resumes. They were the focal point of great resumes that got the job done. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case for 2022 (and beyond). Industries have moved on, and styles have changed. Simply put, objectives no longer carried the same weight as before.

Recruiters now prefer reading resume statements over objectives. A resume statement varies from an aim in that it emphasizes your experiences rather than your future goals. It gives a concise description of the candidate and helps you to highlight your most striking qualities.

Resume statements differ from objectives, which evaluate your ambitions and describe why you want the position. This can be beneficial, especially if you are a candidate with little experience. A concise statement provides the information recruiters need immediately. It describes your most significant accomplishments, your history, as well as your notable abilities.


Keep Your Template Simple and Clean

It is essential to keep things straightforward. However, this does not preclude the addition of a little flare to the design.

It is essential to remember that little is more. Overdesigning the document can distract whoever is reading it.

Below are some simple tips for the PDF version of your online resume:

  •   Aim for neutral colors 
  •   Font size 12
  •   Use professional-looking fonts; avoid fancy fonts.
  •   Balance the text and white space/negative space.
  •   Keep your entire resume to one to two pages only.
  •   Reformat any lengthy paragraphs with point-form lists.



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Display Your Most Recent Certifications

If 2022 is the year you finally get the courage to try freelancing in the Philippines, it will be vital to include newer, better, and more relevant talents. As Filipino freelancers, we are constantly evolving. In some potential sectors or industries where we can land better contracts, not having appropriate or the most recent certifications or credentials might put us at a disadvantage.

Displaying new certifications is particularly vital if you work in a technology-driven business, such as IT or Web development, or if you have a profession in public health or pharmaceuticals. These industries need applicants to demonstrate that they have kept up with the latest technological developments and scientific breakthroughs.

Ensure that your certificates appear in the education part of your online resume. Whenever feasible, demonstrate that they are up-to-date and thoroughly address the current job’s requirements. You may also be required to present proof of these qualifications in the future.


Show Off Your KPIs

KPIs are the not-so-hidden jewels of a strong CV. Remember to provide evidence of all your work experience and talents when applying for a new job. Including KPIs on your CV is crucial for measuring your success throughout the years.

These will demonstrate to the company reviewing your resume how your skills translated into measurable outcomes.

KPIs might be expressed as a percentage, a revenue figure, or the number of units manufactured or sold. However, they must be on the page for your document to generate the results that you want.


Prepare a Portfolio Site

A portfolio website is a powerful extension of your online resume. These sites provide an easy way for prospective clients to evaluate your work and allow you to extend your talents and services. The main goal of a portfolio website is to help you get additional clients as a virtual assistant in the Philippines. You can create a free website using services like WordPress, Blogger, and Wix.

The design you pick can determine whether most clients are turned off or enticed to purchase. This is especially important if you are a web designer, as your website represents your work. Regarding portfolio websites, minimalism is the way to go.

You’re attempting to attract new clients with your work; consequently, you should select a design that pulls attention toward your portfolio and any business-related information you offer rather than away from them.

Consider the choice you made while determining the objective of your portfolio website. It will assist you in generating calls to action for your website, especially on the homepage. For example, are you attempting to get new customers? Appropriate call-to-action phrases include “Request a Quote.” Next, determine the goal of your portfolio website and ensure that the desired action on landing pages makes sense.


Giving Your Resume a Good Ending

If you’ve developed a standard reverse chronological online resume, you’ve probably already detailed your work experience and history from the present to your earliest position within the last ten years.

The reverse chronological order ensures that the recruiter or business owner will see your most recent work experience/history.

If you have no further information to include at the bottom of the page, you might finish the list there and allow the document to conclude naturally. Alternately, you may provide a feeling of growth by including a section on your schooling that describes your professional training and academic accomplishments.

It is typically preferable to give your resume a more conclusive tone to impress the business owner or recruiter.

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