
About the Company

About Postman.

Postman is the world’s leading collaboration platform for API development. Postman’s features simplify each step of building an API and streamline collaboration to help create better APIs—faster. More than 20 million developers and 500,000 organizations worldwide use Postman today. Here’s a timeline of Postman’s journey in becoming an API Platform.

P.S: We highly recommend reading The “API-First World” graphic novel to understand the bigger picture and our vision at Postman.

About the Team.

The Labs product vertical was set up in early 2021 to facilitate the rapid ideation and iteration of new products and strategies. The core motto of the team is frugality and agility – using whatever is available to chip away at outcomes at breakneck speed.

As APIs continue to be the ubiquitous building blocks of software, there’s tremendous potential for AI to enable the next stage of productivity. This new, exciting initiative will focus on how we can incorporate artificial intelligence into Postman to continuously evolve and improve what our customers can achieve.

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