Hire Virtual Assistant Philippines Today

Are you thinking of hiring virtual assistant Philippines? Working with us to hire virtual assistants Philippines can significantly speed up the staffing process and improve ROI by matching your business to the best candidates in their respective fields.

We serve business owners who want their time back so that they can work on their business instead of in it. Virtual Assistant Philippines is a new and innovative staffing platform connected to the heart of active and professional virtual assistants from the Philippines.

Virtual Assistant Philippines has a proven staffing process for every market and industry, and we’re always looking out for new ways to innovate and improve existing methods to help businesses even more. Contact us today, and we’ll help you brainstorm and strategize.

With the right team of virtual assistants from the Philippines, you can get ahead o your competition, get things done, and recoup time from what used to be an endless chain of administrative tasks that would be best left to experts who are professional, well-organized, and dedicated to such tasks and processes.

Maximize Your Productivity with a Virtual Assistant.

Here’s Why It's Time to Hire Virtual Assistant Philippines

In the beginning, business owners and startup founders are always in the same boat: they try to do everything themselves to save on expenses. But soon enough, they realize that as a business grows, one must improve productivity and distribute the load.

Administrative tasks can take the bulk of your day, leaving very few hours for more critical tasks and some leisure. You can look down on leisure time as a luxury now, but it’s been written endlessly before that leisure is part of a healthy work-life balance, and business owners aren’t exempt from this.

“I’ll take a vacation in twenty years” sounds funny, yet this is a grim reality for many business owners who don’t know that there is a far better solution than drowning and worrying about endless tasks: hire virtual assistant Philippines.

Virtual Assistant Philippines provides staffing solutions for businesses in the US, UK, Australia, and anywhere in the world that needs intelligent, empathic, and hardworking virtual assistants from the Philippines.

When you opt to hire virtual assistant Philippines, you access professionals who form the backbone of hundreds of thousands of businesses worldwide, and they’re not just in sales or marketing: they’re your medical transcriptionists, receptionists, schedulers, appointment setters, web admins, programmers, English tutors, and more.

Filipino professionals occupy every imaginable position and niche worldwide, and they serve with due diligence and a smile. If you want a new staff of knowledgeable virtual assistants interested in working long-term for great employers, you’ve found the right agency.

Virtual Assistant Philippines' Four-Step Process

VA from the Philippines Consultation

1. Consultation

Step one when you choose to hire virtual assistant Philippines is determining your exact business needs. We will brainstorm with you about areas in your business where virtual assistants are the most suitable solution. The positions will vary depending on your market and industry, the size of operations, your budget, etc. Tell us about what you want to accomplish during the consultation stage and any previous experiences you may have had in trying to fill these positions so we better understand your business needs.

2. Vetting

The second step when we help hire virtual assistant Philippines is vetting.

Qualifications are indicative of a substantial time commitment to one’s professional education. Such commitment indicates the candidate’s desire and drive, making them a good bet to succeed where others have failed. You may be more up-to-date on your field’s latest innovations, rules, and discoveries if you have more education and experience. Qualified virtual assistants and other staff may also be open to new approaches to problems as they discover how to work best in their new positions. Virtual Assistant Philippines will handle the qualification process and prepare the best candidates for your review.

Virtual Assistant Philippines Review

3. Review

In the third phase, we have prepared the initial roster of potential candidates for you to review. During this phase, you can examine each candidate’s qualifications and offerings and select the best candidates based on your preferences and business needs. If you have any questions, you can always contact us at Virtual Assistant Philippines, and we can help you during the review process.

4. Placement

Virtual Assistant Philippines will contact you to finalize the handoff and placement of your new virtual assistant/s.

Filipino Virtual Assistant Placement

Why Work with Us?

Using a VA staffing agency to hire virtual assistant Philippines can be helpful if you want to hire a virtual assistant. It can help you acquire the support you need much more quickly than if you were to employ a freelance virtual assistant.

The difficulty for business owners, company heads and managers lie in selecting the best service. On the surface, most virtual assistant services appear identical, making it hard to hire virtual assistant Philippines and determine which service is the most ideal for your needs.

The employment practices of most virtual assistance firms are shrouded in mystery. Many employers of virtual assistants provide lists of desirable abilities and qualifications for prospective VAs but rarely discuss the evaluation process they use.

In contrast, we are transparent about our employment practices because we consider that one of our service’s main selling points.

Our expertise in VA assessment and placement helped us develop a keen recruitment process that objectively evaluates potential employees based on the skills and character qualities demonstrated to be significant predictors of success in an administrative support position.

The level of these traits in an assistant is the best indicator of how well they will perform. Our entire recruitment process is geared around gauging these skills and characteristics.

These characteristics and abilities are frequently listed as desirable by other VA agencies we’ve researched. However, as we mentioned up top, it is not entirely obvious how they weigh these factors when selecting individuals.

We use a procedure beyond resumes and interviews to assess a candidate’s skills and output quality before hiring. Therefore, when we recruit a personal assistant, we know they have what it takes to excel in the position and become an invaluable asset to one of our customers. In addition, we know that cookie-cutter approaches to hiring aren’t adequate for conducting in-depth assessments of potential assistants, so we adapt our procedure on a case-by-case basis.

Just What Can a Filipino Virtual Assistant Do
for Your Business?

Thinking to hire virtual assistant Philippines?
Below are just some of the things that a Filipino virtual assistant can accomplish for you/your business:

Although there are always outliers when you hire virtual assistant Philippines, most Filipino employees seek permanent positions with secure schedules. This is exceptionally accurate with the more skilled and seasoned VAs. In most cases, it is more important to have and have a steady source of income than to make a few additional bucks here and there.

Part-time workers in the Philippines are more likely to switch to full-time work, take on more part-time work, or exit the workforce altogether when a permanent full-time position becomes available. Whatever the situation, we have found that full-time employees have a much greater job retention rate.

When you hire virtual assistant Philippines on a part-time basis, the VA will work for you part-time and will work for someone else as a freelance professional. This situation reduces your importance in their financial life. We’ve found that this frequently results in inconsistent output in terms of quality and the amount of time it takes to complete a task.

We’d go so far as to say that when the VA has other conflicting commitments, most difficulties arise, and you may have a less-than-stellar experience.

Employee turnover accounts for a significant portion of the cost of employing people. When dealing with part-time employees, the problems of lost productivity, training, underperforming new hires, and distracted performance are exacerbated.

All these factors are why we advocate using virtual assistants for the long haul.

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